Montgomery County homeowners get reminder on filing for county tax credit

Montgomery County homeowners are getting a reminder: If they didn’t apply for a state homestead tax credit, they could miss out on the county’s $692 tax credit.

Montgomery County, Maryland, homeowners are getting a reminder: If they didn’t apply for a state homestead tax credit, they could miss out on the county’s $692 tax credit.

The issue is this: Under a new Maryland requirement, homeowners have to first apply for the state’s Maryland Homestead Tax Credit in order to qualify for the county’s tax break on primary residences, known formally as the “Income Tax Offset Credit” or ITOC. That county credit is worth $692.

Even homeowners who have previously received the county credit must apply for the state’s Homestead credit in order to get the county-issued property tax break.

According to a news release from Montgomery County, in March, the county’s Department of Finance mailed postcards to roughly 80,000 homeowners who were not on record as having applied for the state benefit.

Without filing for the state program, the county’s property tax credit won’t be automatically sent as it had been in the past.

For information on how to check the status of your tax credit, you can go to Montgomery County’s website.

Information on the Maryland Homestead Tax Credit can be found on Maryland’s state website.

As a member of the award-winning WTOP News, Kate is focused on state and local government. Her focus has always been on how decisions made in a council chamber or state house affect your house. She's also covered breaking news, education and more.