Use Statewide Assessment Data

When reviewing statewide assessment results, it is important to remember the following:

One-Page Resources for Using Statewide Assessment Results

For more information about what individual scores mean and how the assessments are scored, visit the Interpret Statewide Assessment Scores page.

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MCA and MTAS Results - Intended Uses

MCA and MTAS Uses by Role

User of Information

School and District Leaders

Appropriate Uses

For more information about appropriate uses of MCA Results, download the Appropriate and Inappropriate Uses of MCA Results Infographic.

What can teachers do with MCA and MTAS data?

The MCA and MTAS results can be used to gain a general sense of strengths and gaps in curriculum and instruction. However, a teacher needs more fine-grained, curricular information to differentiate instruction for individual and groups of students and for more granular-level planning.

Teachers can analyze results by achievement level in their school, class, or by grade considering questions like:

ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS - Intended Uses

Appropriate Uses of ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS Data

What can teachers do with ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS data?