Guaranteed Renewable Vs. Non-Cancellable

Guaranteed Renewable Vs. Non-<a href=Cancellable Disability Insurance Policy" width="" />

What really is the difference between a Guaranteed Renewable Disability Insurance policy and a Noncancelable/Guaranteed Renewable Disability policy? To dissect this question, we first must define each type of policy:

“Noncancelable & Guaranteed Renewable” individual disability insurance policy, often referred to as “Non-Can”, provides the right to continue a policy (normally through as 65) if the client pays the premium on time. The insurance company cannot change the benefit, features or premium of the policy.

“Guaranteed Renewable” individual disability insurance policy, commonly referred to as “GR”, provides the right to continue a policy (normally through age 65) if the client pays the premium on time. Where the insurance company cannot change the benefits or features of the policy, they may change the premium of the policy,

If an insurance company can change the premium rates on a GR policy – why don’t they ? For an insurance company to change the premium rates, it would take the following: